
Star Wars Black Series Force FX Lightsabers: The Complete List

Star Wars Black Series Lightsabers

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From the ancient times of Darth Revan to the modern era of Rey Skywalker, lightsabers are undeniably recognizable as not just a part of Star Wars history, but pop culture in general. And with the Star Wars Black Series lightsabers from Hasbro, collectors and cosplayers get more than just a cool replica. These carefully crafted weapons offer fans a piece of the iconic cultural phenomenon, bringing them inside the saga’s narrative.

Luke and Darth Vader lightsaber duel.
Image: Disney

In this post, we are listing every lightsaber released in Hasbro’s Black Series line.

Learn about the inspiration behind the lightsabers, specific design features, as well as practical information like release date, battery requirements, and retail price.

Yoda holding a green lightsaber.
Image: Disney

Whether you’re a Jedi Master or a Padawan in the world of Star Wars collectibles, make this list your companion guide to Hasbro’s line of Black Series lightsabers.

Black Series Lightsabers

Hasbro The Black Series Force FX Light Sabers

The Black Series line, started by Hasbro in 2013, includes Star Wars helmets, lightsabers, and 6″ figures. However, the production of the lightsabers began a little earlier than that.

Kylo Ren and Rey battling with lightsabers.
Image: Disney

The lightsabers were originally created by a company called Master Replicas. Hasbro eventually took over the line in 2008, calling the new product Signature FX-Lightsabers.

The name changed again, and the lightsabers are now part of The Black Series line. Hasbro offers two lightsaber tiers: Force FX Lightsabers and Force FX Elite Lightsabers. The Force FX Lightsabers are a premium product that offer more robust design features.

Mace Windu and Count Dooku having a lightsaber battle.
Image: Disney

Currently, there are 25 lightsabers in The Black Series Lightsaber line.

Yoda Force FX Lightsaber

Yoda Force FX Lightsaber
Yoda Force FX Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

One of the most powerful force users the galaxy has ever seen, Yoda’s bright green lightsaber serves as the perfect complement to his astounding force powers. Fortunately, this saber is chock full of sound effects to help you feel like the real deal when you’re throwing down with the nefarious Count Dooku. Authentic bolts of force lightning sold separately!

Black Series Yoda Force FX Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2015
Retail Price: $149.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Green
Blade Type: Non-removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand

Darth Vader Force FX Lightsaber

Darth Vader Force FX Lightsaber
Darth Vader Force FX Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

Darth Vader holding his ominous red lightsaber is possibly the most iconic visual of the entire Star Wars saga. While we can all only hope to look a fraction as cool as the former Anakin Skywalker, we can at least wield this stunning replica of his all-too deadly weapon of choice. Enjoy exciting sound effects while the hate flows through you!

Black Series Darth Vader Force FX Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2015
Retail Price: $149.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Red
Blade Type: Non-removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand

Luke Skywalker Force FX Lightsaber

Luke Skywalker Force FX Lightsaber
Luke Skywalker Force FX Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

On the opposite end of the spectrum from Lord Vader is his kind-hearted son and the titular Jedi in Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker. While training to become a Jedi (like his father before him, in case you hadn’t heard) he carries Anakin’s cool blue-bladed lightsaber while fighting such dangerous foes as the Marksman-H training remote droid. Sadly, in Luke’s hands, this particular lightsaber didn’t see a whole lot of action before plummeting to the depths below Cloud City.

Black Series Luke Skywalker Force FX Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2015
Retail Price: $149.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Blue
Blade Type: Non-removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand

Kylo Ren Force FX Lightsaber

Kylo Ren Force FX Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

Even with Darth Vader dead, gone, and burned (a second time, technically), the dark side lives on through his grandson, Ben Solo. The young Sith apprentice introduced something new and exciting to the Star Wars canon: the crossguard lightsaber! Now you, too, can chase the dream of ruling the galaxy with an iron fist with the Kylo Ren Force FX Lightsaber!

Black Series Kylo Ren Force FX Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2015
Retail Price: $199.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Red
Blade Type: Non-removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand

Luke Skywalker Force FX Lightsaber

Luke Skywalker Force FX Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

By the time Return of the Jedi rolled around, Luke Skywalker had stepped out of his father’s terrifying shadow and become a Jedi all his own (though still like his father before him). Gone was the bright blue hand-me-down lightsaber (until the next episode of the saga) and in its place Luke had built his own sleek, neon green saber. This isn’t his daddy’s lightsaber, literally.

Black Series Luke Skywalker Force FX Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2016
Retail Price: $149.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Green
Blade Type: Non-removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand

Obi-Wan Kenobi Force FX Lightsaber

Obi-Wan Kenobi Force FX Lightsaber box
Obi-Wan Kenobi Force FX Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

This is the lightsaber that Obi-Wan Kenobi was wielding in his fateful battle with Anakin Skywalker on the lava-covered planet of Mustafar. This blade changed the course of the universe for decades, giving rise to one of the most powerful Sith Lords of all-time: Darth Vader. Features a real metal hilt as well as a clear display stand so it won’t get in the way of showcasing this powerful weapon.

Black Series Obi-Wan Kenobi Force FX Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2017
Retail Price: $179.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Blue
Blade Type: Non-removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand

Rey Jedi Training Force FX Lightsaber

Rey 2017 Hasbro Black Series Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

With the arrival of Star Wars: Episode 7 – The Force Awakens, fans were introduced to a new hero in a galaxy far, far away: Rey. This particular lightsaber, the one Rey cuts her teeth with, once belonged to none other than Anakin Skywalker. Hold on tight to the hilt and enjoy the authentic sound effects as you undergo your own Jedi training.

Black Series Rey Jedi Training Force FX Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2017
Retail Price: $174.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Blue
Blade Type: Non-removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand

Force FX Z6 Riot Control Baton

Force FX Z6 Riot Control Baton box
Force FX Z6 Riot Control Baton
Image: Hasbro

There aren’t a lot of things in the galaxy that can take a direct hit from a lightsaber, but the Z6 riot control baton is one of them. Fans got to see one in action during the Battle of Takodana, where First Order Stormtrooper FN-2199 went toe-to-toe with former ally and newfound rebel Finn. FN-2199 held his own, too, until Han Solo realized how much he loved Chewbacca’s bowcaster and sent FN-2199 to a better place.

Black Series Force FX Z6 Riot Control Baton

Release Dates: 2018
Retail Price: $199.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Mace Windu Force FX Lightsaber

Mace Windu Force FX Lightsaber and box
Image: Hasbro

Mace Windu, played by the ever-reliable Samuel L. Jackson, is not like other Jedi Masters. He’s not afraid to dip his toe into the dark side, wielding his anger like a tool when it suits him. More importantly, he’s got his own super cool looking purple lightsaber! At the time, fans had only seen blue, green, and red sabers in the Star Wars films. Pay tribute to the coolest Jedi in the galaxy with this awesome replica.

Black Series Mace Windu Force FX Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2018
Retail Price: $169.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Purple
Blade Type: Non-removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand

Obi-Wan Kenobi Force FX Lightsaber

2019 Obi-Wan Kenobi Force FX Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

At this point in the Skywalker Saga, Anakin was just a small boy, so it would be years before he and Obi-Wan would have their infamous falling out on the planet Mustafar. This lightsaber belonged to a young and fresh-faced Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was still training under his master, Qui-Gon Jinn. This lightsaber hasn’t seen a lot of action, yet, but you can change that by picking up your own and fighting your own battle with the dark side.

Black Series Obi-Wan Kenobi Force FX Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2019
Retail Price: $174.99
Batteries: 4 AA batteries

Blade Color: Blue
Blade Type: Non-removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand

Darth Maul Force FX Lightsaber

Darth Maul Force FX Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

Long before Kylo Ren wowed audiences with his crossguard lightsaber, Darth Sidious’ apprentice Darth Maul battled both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn simultaneously with his trusty double-bladed lightsaber. With the ability to ignite one blade at a time, Maul can use it as single-bladed or a double-bladed weapon. Better yet, the Black Series lightsaber offers the same feature. You can remove one of the blades to use it as a traditional lightsaber!

Black Series Darth Maul Force FX Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2019
Retail Price: $169.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Red
Blade Type: Non-removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand Coupler

Kylo Ren Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Kylo Ren Force FX Elite Lightsaber
Kylo Ren Force FX Elite Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

There are lightsabers, and then there are elite lightsabers. The Kylo Ren FX Elite Lightsaber features a grand total of 80 LEDs, which give it an awesome progressive ignition effect when powered on. There’s also a battle clash effect, molten glow effect, and even an unstable plasma effect. Like the Jedi, Kylo Ren built this saber himself, and the unstable flow shows just how powerful it is!

Black Series Kylo Ren Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2020
Retail Price: $299.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Red
Blade Type: Removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand Collectible Coin

Asajj Ventress Force FX Lightsaber

Black Series Asajj Ventress Force FX Lightsaber
Black Series Asajj Ventress Force FX Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

If you’ve only ever seen the Star Wars movies, you’re probably unfamiliar with Asajj Ventress, the one-time apprentice to the Sith Lord Count Dooku. Ventress wields two red-bladed sabers with curved hilts, just like the ones her master uses. If you do happen to pick up a second Ventress saber, you can use the included coupler to combine them into a double-bladed lightsaber. You’ll be unstoppable amongst your fellow collectors!

Black Series Asajj Ventress Force FX Lightsaber

Release Dates: July 2020
Retail Price: $214.99
Batteries: 3 AAA batteries

Blade Color: Red
Blade Type: Non-removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand Coupler

Kit Fisto Force FX Lightsaber

Black Series Kit Fisto Force FX Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

Jedi Master Kit Fisto made his glorious debut in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, wielding his vibrant green lightsaber that almost matched his Nautolan skin. With its metal hilt and realistic power-up and power-down effects, this Black Series lightsaber really feels like something a Jedi would use. What many fans don’t know, however, is that he was originally designed as a Sith Lord! Though Kit Fisto’s appearance was brief, he made enough of an impression to show up in subsequent TV shows and comic books.

Black Series Kit Fisto Force FX Lightsaber

Release Dates: July 2020
Retail Price: $214.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Green
Blade Type: Removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand Belt Clip Barrel Plug

Count Dooku Force FX Lightsaber

Black Series Count Dooku Force FX Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

The late, great Christopher Lee deserved much more screen time than he got as the malevolent Count Dooku, but he certainly made an impact. In addition to his memorable lightsaber duel with Master Yoda, he played a pivotal role in Anakin Skywalker’s road to the dark side. With the amazing Count Dooku Force FX Lightsaber, you can carry the torch and give Dooku the legacy he was cruelly denied.

Black Series Count Dooku Force FX Lightsaber

Release Dates: August 2020
Retail Price: $214.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Red
Blade Type: Non-removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand

Darth Revan Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Black Series Darth Revan Force FX Elite Lightsaber
Black Series Darth Revan Force FX Elite Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

You’re forgiven if you’re unfamiliar with the character of Darth Revan. First appearing in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, the character has gone on to only make a few more video game appearances. Interestingly enough, this only adds to the Sith Lord’s mystique, and it’s not hard to see the appeal in his stunningly unique lightsaber. A truly original hilt design and removable kyber crystal make this a standout among the Black Series lightsabers.

Black Series Darth Revan Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Release Dates: September 2020
Retail Price: $249.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Color-changing (red and purple)
Blade Type: Removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand Kyber Crystal

Emperor Palpatine Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Emperor Palpatine Force FX Elite Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

It’s easy to forget that Emperor Palpatine, otherwise known as Darth Sidious, even has a lightsaber. Much like his light side counterpart Yoda, Sidious has grown so powerful in the force that he’d sooner fry you with a few bolts of lightning than mess with his blade. Plus, he’s not getting any younger, and that hilt isn’t getting any lighter. It’s only appropriate that this lightsaber has not only a wall-cutting effect, but a lightning effect as well!

Black Series Emperor Palpatine Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2020
Retail Price: $249.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Red
Blade Type: Removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand

Ahsoka Tano Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Ahsoka Tano Force FX Elite Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

This Ahsoka Tano Force FX Elite Lightsaber is a first in The Black Series to feature a color-changing blade: blue, green, or yellow-green. Perfect to suit whatever mood you’re in! It also comes with removable kyber crystal. Now you can embody the role of hero of the Clone Wars.

Black Series Ahsoka Tano Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2020
Retail Price: $249.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Color-changing (blue, green, and yellow-green)
Blade Type: Removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand Kyber crystal

Mandalorian Darksaber Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Mandalorian Darksaber Force FX Elite Lightsaber
Mandalorian Darksaber Force FX Elite Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

While the Darksaber has been a part of Star Wars lore for quite some time, it was relatively obscure until The Mandalorian brought it to the forefront. The Darksaber is unlike any other lightsaber out there and the Force FX Elite edition is a beautiful replica of a truly awesome weapon. Using advanced LEDs, this is one of the most realistic sabers in the series. It offers a variety of effects, as well as a motion sensor-controlled idle hum and the first-ever white LED blade edge.

Black Series Mandalorian Darksaber Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2021
Retail Price: $249.99
Batteries: Rechargeable battery (included)

Blade Color: Black with white edge
Blade Type: Removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand Barrel Plug

Rey Skywalker Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Rey Skywalker Force FX Elite Lightsaber

It took three whole movies for Rey to finally get her own lightsaber, but the wait was worth it, because fans got to see a yellow lightsaber in live-action for the first time. Rey wasn’t the first to wield the color, as even Luke Skywalker himself used a yellow lightsaber in the Star Wars comics, but it’s a unique enough color to really make the young Jedi stand out.

Black Series Rey Skywalker Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2022
Retail Price: $278.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Yellow
Blade Type: Removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand

Leia Organa Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Leia Organa Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Although Carrie Fisher sadly passed away before filming of The Rise of Skywalker (a film that was supposed to heavily feature Leia), the character’s memory still plays a major role. This is evidenced when Luke’s force ghost passes on Leia’s Jedi lightsaber, along with her legacy, to Rey. Now fans can pay tribute to the late General Leia Organa herself with this Force FX Elite Lightsaber. The blaster deflect effect and molten blade tip effect make this one a stand out.

Black Series Leia Organa Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2022
Retail Price: $249.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Blue
Blade Type: Removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand

Darth Vader Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Darth Vader Force FX Elite Lightsaber
Darth Vader Force FX Elite Lightsaber
Image: Hasbro

We’ve seen Darth Vader show up in various capacities over the years, with each appearance differing ever so slightly. The same goes for his iconic red lightsaber. This happens to be the version he wields when facing his former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, for the first time after fully transforming into the pre-eminent Sith Lord. It’s fully-loaded with features: Duel effect. Battle sequence mode. Removable kyber crystal. This is one of the most impressive sabers on the market and a must-have for Vader enthusiasts.

Black Series Darth Vader Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2022
Retail Price: $278.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Red
Blade Type: Removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand Kyber crystal

Luke Skywalker Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Luke Skywalker Force FX Elite Lightsaber

If there’s any lightsaber out there that can rival Vader’s in importance, it’s Luke’s green lightsaber from Return of the Jedi. This is the first lightsaber that Luke constructs on his own, putting the final seal on his Jedi training. Gone is the hand-me-down lightsaber that he cut his teeth with. This lightsaber is loaded with a variety of effects, such as progressive ignition, battle clash, blaster defect, and more.

Black Series Luke Skywalker Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2023
Retail Price: $278.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Green
Blade Type: Removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand

Obi-Wan Kenobi Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Obi-Wan Kenobi Force FX Elite Lightsaber

If Obi-Wan Kenobi can get his own Disney+ series, he deserves his own Force FX Elite Lightsaber. Canonically, this is the same blade that cut Darth Maul in half, held Jango Fett at bay, and sliced off most of Anakin Skywalker’s limbs. Hopefully you’ll enjoy a much more relaxed time with it. The Jedi are peacekeepers, after all.

Black Series Obi-Wan Kenobi Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Release Dates: 2023
Retail Price: $278.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Blue
Blade Type: Removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand

Yoda Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Yoda Force FX Elite Lightsaber

If Yoda has to bring out his lightsaber, you know that you’ve made a terrible mistake. One of the most powerful force users in the galaxy, there’s not a lot that Master Yoda can’t accomplish with a flick of his wrist. With that in mind, if you see that green lightsaber powering up, you’ve made him angry. This vibrant green lightsaber, modeled after the one seen in The Book of Boba Fett, comes with battle sequence mode, removable kyber crystal, and assortment of sound and visual effects.

Black Series Yoda Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Release Dates: February 2024
Retail Price: $249.99
Batteries: Rechargeable battery (included)

Blade Color: Green
Blade Type: xx
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand Kyber Crystal

Sabine Wren Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Sabine Wren Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Sabine Wren was introduced to fans as a core cast member in Star Wars Rebels before jumping to live-action in Ashoka. Sabine is one of the few non-Jedi characters to wield a lightsaber and she uses it for a lot more than slicing open a tauntaun. It’s a good thing, too. I hear they smell even worse on the inside.

Black Series Sabine Wren Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Release Dates: May 2024
Retail Price: $278.99
Batteries: 3 AA batteries

Blade Color: Green
Blade Type: Removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand Barrel Plug

Ahsoka Tano Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Ahsoka Tano Force FX Elite Lightsaber with white plasma blade
Image: Hasbro

Though the Ahsoka Tano Force FX Elite Lightsaber is designed after the character’s saber in Ahsoka, let’s not forget the amount of slashing and slicing that she did for years on the Clone Wars animated series. This lightsaber features the plasma blade she uses in the rebellion. It also includes tons of authentic sound effects, so you can feel like you’re in the battle too.

Black Series Ahsoka Tano Force FX Elite Lightsaber

Release Dates: October 2024
Retail Price: $278.99
Batteries: Rechargable battery (included)

Blade Color: White
Blade Type: Removable
Includes: ☑ Hilt Blade Stand Barrel Plug

Star Wars Black Series Lightsabers Recap

Star Wars lightsaber battle
Image: Disney

We hope you’ve found this post informative and had fun exploring all the options available in the Black Series lightsaber collection.

If you’re looking for more posts about The Black Series, please check out The Complete List of Black Series Helmets and The Overall Guide to The Black Series.

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