
20 Fun Facts About Inside Out 2

Inside Out 2 fun facts and behind the scenes info about the Pixar movie

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Inside Out 2 is shaping up to be not only the biggest hit of the summer but the whole year. Moviegoers have laughed and cried with Riley and her emotions in the Pixar sequel, deepening interest in the beloved franchise. With that in mind, we’ve put together a list of Inside Out 2 fun facts that you might not have known.

The Movie Is Breaking Records

Inside Out 2 at El Capitan Theater in Los Angeles
Image: Walter Cicchetti / Alamy Stock Photo

Inside Out 2 hit $1 billion at the worldwide box office in just 19 days—the fastest an animated film has ever reached that mark. But the movie’s achievements don’t stop there. It’s currently the highest-grossing movie of 2024 and the first film to break $1 billion at the box office since last year’s Barbie. Meanwhile, the sequel has already surpassed The Incredibles 2 to become Pixar’s highest-grossing movie ever and is on track to unseat Frozen II as the highest-grossing Disney movie, period.

The Movie’s Composer, Andrea Datzman, Represents an Important First For Pixar

Inside Out 2 composer Andrea Datzman
Image: Sipa USA / Alamy Stock Photo

Inside Out 2 fun fact: the sequel is the first Pixar film scored by a woman. Taking over for frequent collaborator Michael Giacchino, Andrea Datzman crafted a unique yet familiar musical landscape that perfectly captures Riley’s different emotions.

The Movie Features Brand New Emotions For Riley

Anxiety at the console in Inside Out 2
Image: Disney/Pixar

All your favorite Inside Out characters are back for the sequel, but this time, Riley’s also got some new emotions. Joining Joy, Disgust, Fear, Anger, and Sadness are Inside Out 2’s four new emotions led by the hyperactive Anxiety.

The Movie Originally Had Even More New Characters

Inside Out 2 emotions concept art
Image: Disney/Pixar

In addition to Anxiety, Ennui, Envy, and Embarrassment, Inside Out 2 almost featured three more new emotions. When discussing some Inside Out 2 behind-the-scenes tidbits at the film’s premiere, director Kelsey Mann said he almost included Jealousy, Schadenfreude, and Shame in the movie. Jealousy would have been Envy’s twin sister, while Schadenfreude would have had a thick German accent and a tendency to laugh whenever anyone got hurt. Ultimately, the three emotions didn’t make the final cut, but who knows—maybe they’ll show up in Inside Out 3.

Some Of Inside Out 2‘s New Emotions Were Actually Created For The First Movie

Concept art for emotions in Inside Out
Image: Disney/Pixar

A 2015 Hollywood Reporter article tells how the original Inside Out was supposed to feature more emotions than the five we ended up with. At one point, 27 different emotions were considered, like Hope and Pride. But it was Envy and Ennui who eventually made their debut in Inside Out 2 instead.

There’s A Very Specific Reason Why Anxiety is Orange

Anxiety from Inside Out 2
Image: Disney/Pixar

Inside Out 2 introduces us to Anxiety—an orange creature teeming with nervous energy. While her carrot complexion may seem random, there’s a good reason Anxiety is orange. When doing research for Inside Out 2, Pixar came across an interesting fact: exposure to the color orange causes anxiety in some people.

The Temp Voice For Anger Inside The Head Of Riley’s Dad Ended Up In The Movie

Riley's dad's mind in Inside Out 2
Image: Disney/Pixar

Here’s a fun behind-the-scenes fact that applies to not just Inside Out 2 but all animated movies. Sometimes, if a role hasn’t been cast yet, a temporary voice will be used to record a character’s lines. The temp voice is important because it allows animators to figure out the character’s mouth movements and the best way to animate certain words. Pete Docter—director of the first Inside Out—did the temp voice for the version of Anger inside Riley’s father. Initially, his lines were supposed to be rerecorded by a new voice actor, but Docter did such a good job they decided to keep his voice in the final movie.

Inside Out 2 Is Set Two Years After The First Film Despite Coming Out Almost A Decade Later

Riley Andersen
Image: Disney/Pixar

Why does Riley look only slightly older in the sequel when it’s been almost ten years since the first Inside Out? One of the benefits of animation is that the filmmakers aren’t bound by the same rules as their live-action counterparts. That means Pixar can take a decade off between Inside Out films and still have Riley only age by two years. However, for a kid like Riley, the difference between 11 and 13 can feel like ten years…maybe even longer!

Anxiety Was Almost A Monster

Anxiety monster and Joy concept art from Inside Out 2
Image: Disney/Pixar

At times, Anxiety might seem like the closest thing Inside Out 2 has to a villain, but initially, she was going to be an actual monster. According to a behind-the-scenes interview with Inside Out 2 director Kelsey Mann, the art department first conceived of Anxiety as a lizard-like shapeshifter. The character lies about her identity until other emotions discover her secret. Mann decided to get rid of that idea because the twist, in his words, “Made the move really complicated.”

Fear and Disgust Have New Voice Actors

One Inside Out 2 fact that’s not so fun is why actors Bill Hader and Mindy Kaling, the voices of Fear and Disgust in the original Inside Out, declined to return for the sequel. Reportedly, the pair weren’t satisfied with the amount of money Pixar offered them to reprise their roles, resulting in the studio having to recast those two emotions. Tony Hale replaced Bill Hader as Fear for Inside Out 2, while Lisa Lapira took over for Disgust.

The Director Got Feedback From Real Teens For Riley

Riley and her friends playing hockey
Image: Disney/Pixar

The makers of Inside Out 2 haven’t been teenagers in a long time, so when they wanted Riley come across to audiences like an actual 13-year-old, they turned to some real-life teens for guidance. Dubbed “Riley’s Crew,” the eclectic group of girls aged 13-18 helped director Kelsey Mann keep Riley’s story authentic… even the cringy parts.

Maya Hawke’s Audition For Anxiety Took Place At EPCOT…Sort Of

EPCOT ball
Image: Disney

Here’s a cool Inside Out 2 fun fact: Maya Hawke’s Anxiety audition took place at the happiest place on Earth. Director Kelsey Mann desperately wanted Maya Hawke to audition for the part of Anxiety in Inside Out 2. The only problem? Hawke could only do it during Mann’s family vacation to Disney World. Determined not to let a little thing like a family vacation stop him, Mann was set up in a back room at EPCOT and Maya auditioned over Zoom. Needless to say, she got the part, and Mann resumed his vacation.

Inside Out 2 Is John Ratzenburger’s First Pixar Movie Since Onward

Fritz from Inside Out 2
Image: Disney/Pixar

Actor John Ratzenburger was once considered Pixar’s good luck charm. Ratzenburger’s first role for the studio was Hamm the piggybank in 1995’s Toy Story. The actor has made cameos in almost every Pixar film since then. Ratzenburger’s roles include The Incredibles’ Underminer and the friendly yeti in Monsters Inc. Sadly, Ratzenburger took a hiatus from Pixar following the 2020 film Onward. Inside Out 2, however, marks his return to the Pixar family as Fritz, a minor role the actor originated in the first Inside Out.

Bloofy Is The First 2D Animated Character In A Pixar Film

Image: Disney/Pixar

One of the best scenes in Inside Out 2 involves Bloofy, a pink cartoon dog from one of Riley’s favorite TV shows. Aside from being a lovable goofball, Bloofy has the distinction of being the first 2D animated character ever featured in a Pixar film.

He’s Also Based On Several Different Real Life Cartoon Characters

If you watched Inside Out 2 and thought Bloofy seemed familiar, that’s by design. Pixar based the cartoon dog on a mixture of several real-life cartoon mascots, including Blue from Blue’s Clues and Dora from Dora The Explorer. And, of course, since it’s Disney, there’s also some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in there for good measure.

Ennui’s Voice Actor Pulled Double Duty

Ennui voice actor

Fun fact: Adèle Exarchopoulos, who voiced Ennui in Inside Out 2, did so twice—once for the English-language version of the film and again for the French version.

Inside Out 2 Is Kelsey Mann’s First Time Directing A Feature-Length Movie

Kelsey Mann
LaPresse / Alamy Stock Photo

Inside Out 2 Is Kelsey Mann’s directorial debut… at least as far as feature length movies are concerned. Previously, Mann directed a handful of episodes for the animated series Megas XLR and a single Pixar short based on Monsters University. Judging by the overwhelmingly positive response to Inside Out 2, it’s safe to say he nailed his first time up at bat.

A Couple Of Muppet Legends Reprise Their Roles From Inside Out

Frank Oz and Dave Goelz

Frank and Dave, two of Riley’s Subconscious Guards recognizable from their Happy Meal toy replicas and 2015’s Inside Out, return for the sequel, voiced by Frank Oz and Dave Goelz. If those names sound familiar, it’s because they belong to two of the biggest names in puppeteering. Frank Oz was the original operator of Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear, Cookie Monster, and even Yoda from Star Wars. Dave Goelz is no slouch, either. The puppeteer has been voicing and performing The Great Gonzo since the original Muppet Show.

The Voice of Sadness Came Out Of Retirement Just To Do The Sequel

Inside Out Sadness

One of the most interesting behind-the-scenes details about Inside Out 2 is that Phyllis Smith, who voices sadness, recorded her lines hundreds of miles away from her co-stars. That’s because Smith had presumably retired after the first Inside Out and would only agree to be in the sequel if she didn’t have to travel to LA to record her part. Pixar found her a studio in her home state of Missouri, and Phyllis once again got to voice her mopey blue counterpart.

Pouchy’s Voice Actor Got His Two-Year-Old Son’s Approval Before Debuting The Voice For Director Kelsey Mann

Bloofy and Pouchy
Image: Disney/Pixar

Pouchy, Bloofy’s anthropomorphic fanny pack pal, was voiced by SNL cast member James Austin Johnson. According to Johnson, Pouchy’s voice came from the funny voices he would do for his son at bath time. The voice that got the most laughs from the two-year-old is the one Johnson presented to Inside Out 2 director Kelsey Mann for Pouchy.

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